Friday, January 15, 2010

Reflection #4

A) What criteria did you use to evaluate Why did you choose this criteria? What lesson have you learnt from this activity?

B) How do you feel about sharing your views via Wiki?

Good day! Today's lesson was a blast! It was so much interactive than the other lessons that we had. We went into a very familiar website to most Singaporean who love gossips and interesting findings about our daily lives, However I totally had no idea that it was actually to be considered as a citizen journalism web. Or rather, I had no idea that citizen journalism was actually something like this. Thank god I took this subject. =)

Firstly, I would say that I evaluate Stomp using coverage and purpose. An interesting article with interesting scope would usually capture attention. Especially when its first hand from the public without any form of biasness towards a certain topic, which may be due to some restriction from the higher authority. These articles and events most probably happens not in the norm of our daily lives and therefore captures attention from the public and discussions are then held to discuss about the topic. It is also interesting to read about how other Singaporeans feel about it. And this spice up the whole coverage of the article and website. Sometimes, articles can also be of a purpose which is not seen in any form of other media like the newspaper or television maybe again, due to certain censorship or restriction. Therefore, Stomp was then made use of as a platform for that purpose. It could be to create awareness for certain stuff to even publicise something. And this then becomes another form of platform for the public to be aware of that particular purposes.
And personally, I'm thankful that such I was taught that there are even certain criteria as of to website evaluation. Usually we just use the website without acquiring the knowledge to what and why are we doing certain things on the net. And through this lesson, I finally realise that there are certain criteria to it.

Just some random thoughts about wiki regarding on citizen journalism, since we can edit the content off the post of others from wiki. Can we have something like in wiki? I think it would be interesting to see gossips, and out of the blue events happening in our daily lives being posted up, and then the public comments and edit according to the accuracy of that particular post.

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