Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reflection #7

1) Using your favorite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey.

2) Write a paragraph summarizing your findings on your research topic.

Well, I guess my metaphor would be 'BOOMZ', come to think of it, its not even a word because it doesn't appear in the dictionary. But whatever the case is, I like this word because its full of meaning and of cause it a famous word in Singapore now. I would say the founder of this word is Ris Low! Basically this word is chosen because according to Ris Low, it means loud, strong and something that affect people, well all of the above mentioned sure happens on me during my journey in EIR.
Like what my earlier post had mentioned, I do not like research and findings before I came into EIR, and I always found myself stuck in a situation where I had to conduct hours and hours of research just to get a piece of information. All this resulted in time wastage and in hence affected my sleeping time. Therefore, I decided to force myself to pick up EIR as one of my CDS subject so that I can learn and apply them in the future and I would not have to torture myself with the late night sleep anymore.

When the whole EIR journey started out initially, I was pretty bored with Google because I had been using Google for years even though its really exciting to learn new stuff about Google features like the advance search and stuff like that. But as the lesson starts to progress on, I realised that there are so many things out there that I haven't been taught of. And this is the part where the 'BOOMZ' comes in. I feel that life is about learning and growing, therefore I took my lesson seriously and make sure that it becomes an impact in my life because I want to grow up remembering that I knew how to conduct research properly. And one important lesson I learnt from EIR is that we should not drag and allow our works to compile over days. Its not a really good idea to slack at the start of the block and rush at the end. Usually works that are produced this way is sloppy and I believe no one would love it even themselves. I am glad that I learn this valuable lesson fast and prevented it from happening, and I also can apply this lesson that I learn in EIR into other related studies as well! This is killing 2 birds with 1 stones!

Well the final assignment is the time where we put our 3 and a half weeks of research skills into action. My chosen topic is 'Role of design in the Go Green Movement' and personally I think its rather an easy task for me to handle. Being a design student myself, we are already train to be more conscious about our environment. But even so, I still managed to learn new things and had some self reflection from my research findings.
Sometimes, the smaller the things may seem to be weak, but when added to a huge quantity, the result can be devastating, some of the greatest threats to the future resources comes from the things that we throw away everyday, and these are usually those small little insignificant object that no one would have possibly thought of. We always put the blame on other for global warming but had failed to reflect on ourself that we are actually the cause of it. We are the consumers and when we dispose things that are made from our nature, we don't return them back the way it is. The things that we throw away becomes waste and in hence harm the environment than doing any good to it. Therefore, we should be self discipline to do our little part in protecting what we are left with so that we could still give something to our future generation.

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